Assisted Living

Welcome to the Goldage Assisted Living Directory in India!  We are a comprehensive resource for seniors and caregivers searching for assisted living information, services, and facilities in India. Our free resources provide you with assisted living by care type, specialized assisted living, and senior living facilities near you.
We also offer a free helpline that you can call to receive expert information regarding assisted living.
To get started, learn more about the services we provide here at the Goldage Assisted Living Directory.

Find Assisted Living by Care Type

As you search for information about assisted living by care type, note that there are varying degrees of assisted living services: Assisted living apartments are available for seniors who require basic assistance, but no skilled nursing care.

A memory care facility offers specialized care for seniors with Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of dementia. For seniors requiring the highest level of care, nursing homes provide skilled nursing care 24/7. Take an in-depth look at each of these three care types to determine which form of assisted living is best for you.

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